I’m dizzy from pivoting…

Anyone else feeling the same way? I swear if I hear the word pivot one more time I’m going to lose it.

I usually like to offer advice on how to stay positive, how to keep moving, etc, but this post is a little different. Becuase I want you to know that if you’re feeling tired from pivoting so much, well you’re not alone.

If you live in Ontario, Canada this past week has probably felt heavy. We’re now in the middle of a 3rd lockdown and in my opinion this one feels the hardest. The not knowing whats next or how long this will go on, its starting to weigh on me. And I noticed when talking to others last week that they were feeling the same as me; tired, angry, and a little weepy. (Honestly I cried like 3 times last week for no reason.) But knowing that I wasn’t alone in my feelings actually helped me feel better. Not in a “misery loves company” kind of way, but in the kind of way that makes you feel like you’re not alone and not crazy.

So if you’re reading this and maybe feeling exhausted too I just want you to know that I see you, I feel you and I understand. Even the most “positive” looking people have bad days. You’re not alone. You’re not weird or weak for feeling what you feel. You’re allowed to cry. In fact you might feel better afterwards.

Here’s what got me out of my funk:

  • Remembering that this will end. Things will get better.

  • Make a list of what you can control and what you can’t. Let go of all the things that are out of your hands and focus on what you can do. For example your workouts are one thing that you can control. Use that to your advantage.

  • Count your blessings and look for the rainbow in the storm. I know you have one.

  • Express your feelings to others that you feel safe with. Don’t hold your feelings in.

If you ever want to talk or need help please know that you can reach out to me at any time. We’re in this together!


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Chocolate Banana Muffins