3 Tips to Get you Motivated to move
Have you ever caught yourself thinking: "I know I should be working out but I just don't have any motivation". You're not alone. I hear this from people just like you all the time. Not only are our lives busier than ever but we're still living in a Covid-19 world where normal does not exist.
Many of us are still lacking routine, are dealing with stress like we've never had before, homeschooling kids, and some are working longer hours than ever. So it's not surprising if you feel like you're feeling like you just can't add another thing to your plate.
So here are my 3 tips for helping you get your groove back:
Remember your why
Control what you can, let go of what you can't
Create a support system
Each of us has a why for everything we do. But sometimes we lose touch of what that WHY is. What is your WHY for wanting to workout? Do you have an answer right away? Or did you have to really stop and think about it? Here's a clue on what makes a good why: It can't be about weight.
If your WHY for working out is to lose 20lbs you may find yourself frustrated and lacking motivation. A true WHY has to be bigger than a number. It has to be something that you can see results in right away and it has to be something that seems reasonable when you think about it. For some of us the thought of losing 10, 20, 50lbs probably seems overwhelming and too daunting. And even if you exercised 5x a week and at all the kale and drank all the protein shakes you probably wouldn't see any results for weeks and weeks and there goes your motivation. So, trust me when I say you need a WHY bigger than the scale.
How about I share my WHY at the start of my fitness journey and see if it resonates with you. Back in 2005 I had put on a lot of weight, my eating habits were terrible and I was stressed and miserable. One day I saw myself in a picture and it was like I didn't recognize myself anymore. My body had changed drastically but my personality was changing too. I was exhausted, crying for no reason, and wasn't making time for the things that used to make me happy. I decided that day it was time for a change. I wanted to get my life back, not just for my body but so that I would have the health to do the things I used to love doing. I went back to the gym, stumbled into a group fitness class, fell in love and the rest is history.
So for you, instead of thinking "I know I should workout" think about WHY you want to workout. Think about how your life will change and benefit from you making time for yourself. Think about how the lives of those you love will benefit from you being able to deal with stress better, living longer, and being happy. Think of the example you'll set for your kids when they see you making time for your health. Think of that hike you want to do this summer with your friends and the good times you'll have. Your WHY is your life and how you want to live it.
Maybe you've heard this one before because it applies to so many things in life. So how do we apply this to your life and working out? Well in a COVID world there are plenty of things that we can't control. But can we stop and think about the things we CAN control?
Often part of our lack of motivation stems from feeling like we have too much on our plate, no time, and no energy. But are there things that we can change to create more time or more energy? Does it mean saying no to something so that you can say yes for your health? Can you control what time you go to bed and what time you get up in the morning? Try going to bed and getting up 20 min earlier and then going for a 20 min walk to start your day before things get too busy. Lacking energy? How is your nutrition? That is completely in your control. Better nutrition and sleep might make you feel like you have more energy. The more you can find ways to take control of your time, your energy and your life the stronger you'll feel even before you start working out.
If COVID has shown us anything it's how much we need people in our day to day lives. We may be feeling alone and disconnected from people more than ever before. This can also leave us feeling unmotivated.
There is a saying: "If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together." So how do you find your team when we're all supposed to be staying home and 6ft apart?
Make a plan for your fitness with someone else.
That could mean meeting up for a walk or a hike with a friend.
Join a running club.
Do an online workout with a friend at the same time via video conferencing.
Get your family involved in a workout, a hike, or playtime outside.
Hire a personal trainer or coach.
Or meet a friend for an outdoor workout at a place like Farm Girl Fitness.
Everyone's support system will look different. But it's up to you to create your support team, whether that's one or two people or a bunch of people online that you've never met before. Find people that get you motivated, inspired and hold you accountable. Surround yourself with people who believe in you even on the days you might not believe in yourself.